Monday, January 10, 2011

Everyone said WAIT. Now it seems DC said GO

Smart Meter Education Workshop, January 18
Herbert H. Jones, III,

Pepco has begun installing “smart meters,” at the premises of every electric customer in the District of Columbia. The Company anticipates that all of the new meters will be installed by December 2011. To assist DC consumers in the transition from traditional analog meters to the new “smart meters,” the Office of the People’s Counsel will continue to partnering with government agencies and community organizations to present “Smart Meter Education Workshops.”

At the Smart Meter Education Workshops consumer will learn what to do to prepare for the meter exchange; how to alert PEPCO that someone in your home has special medical needs; the steps of the meter installation process; and about proposed changes to rates, bills, and services. The DC Office of the People’s Counsel and Fairlawn Citizens Association will sponsor the next workshop on January 18, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., at Anacostia Neighborhood Library, Ora Glover Memorial Room, 1800 Good Hope Road, SE. To request disability accommodations or interpreter services, please contact OPC, at 727-3071, by January 12, 2011.

Did any Condo, Coop or Townhouse Board get notice that a private firm has been given permission to enter into your property and start drilling holes, altering how your building assessments are formulated when utilities have been part of the budget since the property was accepted by DCRA for development.

This is not going to be an easy transition if it happens at all and there is no way to do it with 1 meeting and it should be noted that at the Council Member Bowsers Public Round table every consumer and group there besides Pepco said WAIT.

To make matters worse this committee is now heading up by another council member and we are not sure they understand what a disaster this planned rollout by Pepco of smart meters is not a good plan for Common Interest Communities. If you don't like this you better say something.

Please contact Yvette Alexander, Ward 7
Tel: (202) 724-8068
Fax: (202) 741-0911